Thursday, September 18, 2008

Analysis of HOME by Michael Buble

The key is in G major.

The phrase starts from bars 5-7 and repeats itself. The piece comprises of 2 short phrases and 1 long phrase ( chorus )
The harmonic function is mainly T-PD-D-T. There is the use of a suspension chord where the B note in the 4th chord of Gm is held to the 2nd chord of Gm ( marked by the asterisk ).

The composer moves gradually to Dm ( marked by the heart ). He uses chord 5 of the applied dominant. I believe he wants to emphasise the words of the song


Hemant Saluja said...

Really, I don't know about harmonic functions and composing music. That's it.


ec said...

Tasha, I have difficulty reading your score. Can you upload in such a way that one can click to enlarge it for viewig?